The Norwegian Reference Centre,

 The Veterinary School's logo

The Norwegian Reference Centre for
Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives

Knutepunktet for forsøksdyrlære og alternativer til dyreforsøk

Strategidokument - Mission Statement

Search the Internet
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Alternatives to animals:

The NORINA database

What is laboratory animal science?

Hva er forsøksdyrlære?

Regelverk og


Har du lyst på en omvisning?

Virtual Tour of the Unit

Ein Rundgang durch die Abteilung

Krav til utdanning av forsøksdyrpersonell og
planlagte kurs

(Norwegian rules on compulsory training and
Courses in Laboratory Animal Science)

Databases offering alternatives or refinements to animal experiments


a database of textbooks within laboratory animal science

Other links

Our international collaboration includes:

The Centre was inspected by
AAALAC (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care and Use International)
in September 2001 and has received Full Accreditation. The Centre is the first Laboratory Animal Unit in Scandinavia to be accredited by AAALAC. AAALAC has accredited approximately 670 Units in 24 countries to date.

Members of this Centre are part of the Project Team for AltWeb (Alternatives to animal testing on the Web)

ECOPA logo

A member of this Centre participates in the work of ECOPA (European Concensus-Platform for Alternatives) EURCA logo

Members of this Centre are part of the Advisory Group for EURCA (European Resource Centre for Alternatives to animals in higher education)

The NORINA database provided on the Internet by this Centre
is also available at a mirror site in Australia through collaboration with Macquarie University, Sydney

The NORINA database project is funded by a large number of International Sponsors, including:

All the material provided on the Internet by this Centre
is made available on a server donated by Laboratory Animals, the International Journal of Laboratory Science and Welfare.

Nordic Alliance in Laboratory Animal Science Education (NALASE)

Awards won by the Reference Centre

The Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (Norges veterinærhøgskole)

has declared that Laboratory Animal Science is to be one of its areas of competence ("knutepunkt" in Norwegian) within the national network of Universities and University Colleges ("Norges-Nettet").

The Laboratory Animal Unit is dedicated to the collection and spread of information on alternatives to the use of lab animals in research, education and teaching (see below). Click here to read what the British Medical Journal is saying about this website.

Laboratory Animal Science in a nutshell / Forsøksdyrlære i et nøtteskall

Munn- og klovsyke / Foot & Mouth Disease:

Informasjon om eventuelle regler for besøkende til Veterinærhøgskolen kan lastes ned her:
Information about any regulations in force for visitors to the Veterinary School can be accessed here:

Mattilsynet / The Norwegian Food Safety Authority
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, U.K. (DEFRA, det britiske departementet som tilsvarer Landbruksdepartementet, tidligere MAFF)

Scientific Meetings:

The 35th Annual Scand-LAS Symposium will be held in Uppsala from April 21st - 23rd 2005.

The 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences will be held in Berlin from 21st - 25th August 2005.

The 10th FELASA meeting will be held in Italy in 2007.

Calendar from the IAT showing meetings related to laboratory animal science

Nature's Scientific Events Directory

Xenotransplantation symposium, Oslo, October 11th - 12th 2002. The site includes several articles on the subject of xenotransplantation.

A course in laboratory animal science for researchers, was held in St. Petersburg from 27th May - 5th June 2002.

A course in laboratory animal science for researchers was held in Archangelsk from 31st May - 9th June 2004.

Kan laks lide - om fiskeoppdrettets etikk ble arrangert den 30. november 1999 ved Universitetet i Oslo. Adrian Smith ( kan formidle kontakt med foredragsholderne.

Previous Scand-LAS symposia:

The 34th Annual Scand-LAS Symposium was held in Tallin, Estonia from May 13th-16th 2004.

The 33rd Annual Symposium was held in Lahti, Finland from May 22nd - 25th 2003. ESLAV held a satellite meeting on May 21st.

The 32nd annual Scand-LAS Symposium and Educational Days was held in Norway at Gardermoen from 18th - 21st April 2002.

The 31st annual Scand-LAS Symposium and Educational Days was held in Århus in Denmark from May 13th - 16th 2001.

The 30th annual Scand-LAS Symposium and Educational Days was held at Djurönäset Conference Centre in Stockholm's archipelago from May 4th - 7th 2000.

The Scand-LAS Symposium 'Quest for Quality' was held at Hafjell, Lillehammer, Norway, 15th-19th April 1998. The abstracts from the presentations at this Symposium are still available, both for the Scandinavian-language programme and the English-language programme.

An Informal Guide to Arranging A Scientific Meeting

NORINA (A Norwegian Inventory of Audiovisuals)

is an English-language database containing information on over 3500 audiovisual aids that may be used as alternatives or supplements to the use of animals in teaching.

NORINA has been developed by Consultant Karina Smith and Adrian Smith here at the Laboratory Animal Unit. The database is updated several times each week and new versions are made available here on the Internet at the beginning of each month.
Awards won by the NORINA database and this Centre

Articles describing NORINA and related databases:

The NORINA database (Karina Smith)

Databases on alternatives: What is available and how are they used? (Adrian Smith)

Laboratory Animal Science - Forsøksdyrlære

Laboratory Animal Science in a nutshell / Forsøksdyrlære i et nøtteskall.

Are you writing a school report on animal experimentation?

Spesielt for skoleelever som skal skrive om dyreforsøk

Norwegian legislation

Introduction to the use of research animals in Norway

Norway has ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes (ETS 123) issued by the Council of Europe (Europarådet). Here is an overview of all the treaties from the Council of Europe in English (the official site of the Council of Europe). Scroll down to ETS 123. This site includes a list of those countries that have signed and ratified ETS 123. Norway was part of the first group of countries that signed the Convention (on 18th March 1986) and was the first country to ratify it (on 9th July 1986). The text of the Convention is available here in Norwegian.
Appendix A to the Convention,that contains guidelines for the management of a laboratory animal unit, is available here here in Norwegian. The Tables from the Convention are not available yet in Norwegian. An amendment to the Convention, enabling more rapid changes to be made to Appendix A, is available here. Appendix A is at present the subject of major revision, with the aim of producing separate recommendations for each species or group of species. Please see this link for more information.

For comparison, the European Union's legislation on laboratory animals, including the directive 86/609/EEC of 24 November 1986 can be read here.

Norway's Animal Welfare Act (Dyrevernloven)firmly states that animal experimentation may not be carried out without special permission. The Act may be read here in English (our unofficial translation) or here in Norwegian. An amendment to Chapter VI, which regulates the use of animals in teaching and research, came into force on January 1st 2002.

The Act contains references to the Act regulating the work of veterinary surgeons and other animal health personnel, which may be read here in Norwegian. A new Regulation (Forskrift om forsøk med dyr), with many important changes to bring Norwegian legislation in line with the demands of the European Convention referred to above, was issued with effect from February 1st, 1996. A summary (in Norwegian) of the most important changes is available here. The Regulation may be read here in Norwegian. Click here for an English version (our unofficial translation).
Delegation of the authority granted in paragraph 22 (regarding training requirements) has since been amended by a separate regulation.
The Animal Welfare Act and its Regulations are the responsibility of the Norwegian Ministry for Agriculture (Landbruksdepartementet). Responsibility for animal research has been delegated to the Norwegian Animal Research Authority, Utvalg for forsøk med dyr (Forsøksdyrutvalget).

The Gene Technology Act (Genteknologiloven) regulating the use of genetically modified animals in Norway can be viewed here in Norwegian. Regulations giving detailed requirements for the housing and management of such animals (Forskrift om innesluttet bruk av genmodifiserte dyr (dyreforskriften)) came into force on January 1st 2002 and can be viewed here.
A Regulation governing transport and import of genetically modified organisms (Forskrift om transport og import av genmodifiserte organismer) came into effect on January 1st 1999.
Further details, including the necessary forms for approval of the use of genetically modified organisms, can be obtained from Sosial- og helsedirektoratet or from Rolf Dalseg.
Flere opplysninger om genmodifiserte organismer kan leses her på egne websider utarbeidet av Bioteknologinemda.

Odelstingsproposisjon nr. 36 (2001-2002) om å legge en avgift på bruk av forsøksdyr. [Avgiftssystemet ble ikke tatt i bruk, men omtales i Stortingsmelding nr. 12, se nedenfor].

Stortingsmelding nr. 12 (2002-2003) om dyrehold og dyrevern ble lagt frem i Statsråd den 13. desember 2002. Meldingens kapittel om Mål, strategier og tiltak inneholder viktige signaler om forsøksdyr, blant annet ønske om etableringen av et nasjonalt kompetansesenter for alternativer til dyreforsøk, en såkalt nasjonal plattform, på lik linje med de 10 andre europeiske land som delta i ECOPA-samarbeidet. Informasjon om arbeidet som ledet frem til meldingen kan leses her. Næringskomitéens innstilling, som ble behandlet i Stortinget den 3. juni 2003, kan leses her og på denne siden ligger referatet fra debatten i Stortinget. Informasjon om den svenske plattformen for alternativer er tilgjengelig her.

Lov om veterinærer og annet dyrehelsepersonell
Forskrift om dyrepleiere
Søknad m/veiledning om autorisasjon eller lisens som veterinær, fiskehelsebiolog eller dyrepleier
Foreningen for Dyrepleiere og T/A personell

Information about the use of animals in research in the UK

Statistics showing the number of experimental animals used in Norway:

Here are the figures for: 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995

Flere statistikk og den siste årsrapporten fra Forsøksdyrutvalget er tilgjengelige her.

For comparison, figures from:

Word versions are available here of the standard form for reporting animal experiments and the table for reporting annual animal use from each laboratory animal facility, which is used to compile national statistics.

If you wish to publish the results of animal experiments performed in Norway in foreign journals, you may find this suggestion for a standard form useful to demonstrate that the studies were carried out in accordance to Norwegian law.

For Norwegian researchers:

Søknadsskjemaet som skal brukes når det planlegges nye forsøk kan lastes ned fra Forsøksdyrutvalgets websider. Bruk det nye skjemaet fra 2004 (tilgjengelig på norsk og på engelsk). Skjemaene kan også lastes ned her på norsk og på engelsk.

Forsøksdyrutvalget har sine egen websider:

c/o Mattilsynet
Postboks 8147 Dep.
0033 Oslo
Telefon: 23 21 65 84 (ekspedisjon 23 21 65 00)
Telefax: 23 21 65 01

Forsøksdyrutvalget har utarbeidet en Instruks for navngitte veterinærer (tilsynsveterinærer), sist revidert 27. oktober 2000. Statens dyrehelsetilsyn utarbeidet en Instruks for Utvalg for forsøk med dyr, fastsatt 20. november 2000, som beskriver utvalgets arbeidsområde og oppgaver.

Forsøksdyrutvalget har ellers truffet en rekke prinsippavgjørelser.

Legislation in other European countries

Strategies for considering alternative approaches to animal experiments:

The Focus on Alternatives (FOA) initiative has produced two excellent posters outlining means of addressing the three R's when planning animal experiments. A general poster about early planning and one illustrating a worked example within oncological research can be downloaded here in pdf format. The files can be opened with Acrobat Reader.

Hvis du skal publisere i utenlandske fagtidsskrifter, har vi et forslag til standardformular for å vise at prosjektet ble gjennomført i samsvar med norsk lov.

I forbindelse med eksport av forsøksdyr kan det være aktuelt å utstede en helseattest i henhold til sykdommene på List A & List B fra OIE (Office International des Epizooties).

Guidelines for reporting the results of experiments using mammals

Guidelines for reporting the results of experiments using fish

These documents may be read with Acrobat Reader.

Krav til utdanning av forsøksdyrpersonell
(Compulsory education in laboratory animal science for all users of laboratory animals in Norway)

Ifølge den nye forskriften om forsøk med dyr av 15. januar 1996 skal alle som steller forsøksdyr samt de som planlegger eller utfører dyreforsøk, ha fått opplæring etter opplegg godkjent av Landbruksdepartementet. Denne bestemmelsen trådte i kraft

den 1. juli 1998.

Det eneste unntaket til dette var forsøksdyrteknikere som steller og utfører inngrep på forsøksdyr. For disse var fristen satt til 1. juli 1999.

I brev til alle landets forsøksdyravdelinger i mars 1997 har Landbruksdepartementet kommet med konkrete krav til opplæring av alle kategorier personell, basert på europeiske retningslinjer som er allerede i bruk bl.a. i Sverige. Kravene dekker såvel nye personer som de som allerede arbeider med forsøksdyr.

Opplegget for utdanning av nye personer, samt kravene til opplæring av personer som allerede er i arbeid, kan ses ved å klikke her.

Oversikter over kursene i forsøksdyrlære som skal arrangeres ved Norges veterinærhøgskole kan ses ved å klikke her.

Master Degree Courses in Laboratory Animal Science

The Microbiology Laboratories (Scandinavia)

The School recognizes a special responsibility for teaching and general education in laboratory animal science. As part of the expansion in this area, the School has appointed Jeffrey Needham with special responsibility for establishing a health monitoring programme. This has resulted in the opening of The Microbiology Laboratories (Scandinavia).

Video film on the use of laboratory animals in Norway

The Laboratory Animal Unit has produced a short video film, primarily designed for schoolchildren, describing the use of laboratory animals in Norway. The film is divided into two parts. Part 1 (running time approx. 7 minutes) shows two pupils being given a tour of the Unit. The basic running of the unit is explained, and the pupils give their comments at the end. Part 2 (6 minutes) raises a number of ethical questions concerned with the use of laboratory animals, using shots from Part 1 as illustrative material. These questions are also available as a handout, which can be photocopied by the school, so that a whole class can make their own notes prior to a classroom discussion.

The film may be loaned from the School Library (telephone +47 22 96 45 55) for NOK 75,- or purchased from the Laboratory Animal Unit (telephone +47 22 96 45 75) for NOK 99,- plus postage. We lend the film free of charge to schoolclasses who wish to discuss animal research at school.

Compendium in Laboratory Animal Science

The Laboratory Animal Unit has produced a 200-page compendium in laboratory animal science, written in Norwegian. Topics covered include legislation, ethics, comparative biology, genetics, diseases and health monitoring, the influence of environmental factors, anaesthesia, analgesia and euthanasia, design of animal experiments and alternative methods.
This Compendium was recently translated into English. Please contact
Adrian Smith to place an order for the Norwegian version, or to enquire about the availablility of the English translation.

Other links

NetVet (Veterinary Resources on the Internet)

The Electronic Zoo (Animal Resources on the Internet)

These two sites are probably the most comprehensive collections of links on the Internet. The NetVet site includes a subcategory called Comparative Medicine, covering Laboratory Animal Science.

2nd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 20-24 October 1996

3rd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, was held in Bologna, Italy from 29th August - 2nd September 1999

4th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, was held in New Orleans, USA from 11th - 15th August 2002

Laboratory animal-related sites from AALAS (American Association for Laboratory Animal Science)

List of laboratory animal-related sites from ASLAP (American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners)

A list of laboratory animal-related legislation in Europe

Teaching materials in Laboratory Animal Science

Article in Laboratory Animals describing a technique for blood sampling using the saphenous vein.
A list of all available online reprints from Laboratory Animals is available here.

Pictures showing the saphenous vein technique

Literature on the ethics of using transgenic animals

The Transgenic-List hosted by the Transgenic Mouse Group at Imperial College School of Medicine in London. More information about the list is available here

Information on inbred strains of mice and rats

Felleskatalogen (The Norwegian Compendium of Drugs used in Medical Practice)
Felleskatalogen over preparater i veterinærmedisin (The Norwegian Compendium of Drugs used in Veterinary Medical Practice)
Giftinformasjonssentralen (The Norwegian Poisons Information Centre)
Pharma-lexicon (medical & pharmaceutical acronyms and abbreviations)
Biotech's Life Science Dictionary
An Online Biology Dictionary
An Online Medical Dictionary
Cambridge Dictionaries Online
A glossary of fish species (11 languages and pictures)
Multilingual glossary of medical terms in eight of the nine official European languages
Ask a Librarian (UK library service)

Bioteknologinemda (The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board)
De nasjonale forskningsetiske komitéer, NEM, NENT, NESH (The National Committees for Research Ethics in Norway)
Rådet for dyreetikk (The Norwegian Council on Animal Ethics)
Den Norske Veterinærforeningen (DNV, The Norwegian Veterinary Association)
VESO (Veterinærmedisinske Senter for Oppdragsforskning)
Den norske lægeforeningen (The Norwegian Medical Association)
The Norwegian Zoonosis Centre Sentrallaboratoriet, Norges veterinærhøgskole

BSAVA (British Small Animal Veterinary Association)
Norsk Tamrotte Forening (NTF)
BVA (British Veterinary Association)
RCVS (The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, UK)

Forsøksdyrorganisasjoner / Laboratory Animal Science Associations

AAALAC International (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International)
AALAS (American Association for Laboratory Animal Science)
ACLAM (American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine)
AMP (Americans for Medical Progress)
ASLAP (American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners)
BLAVA: see LAVA below.
ECLAM (European College of Laboratory Animal Medicine)
ECOPA (European Concensus-Platform for Alternatives)
ECVAM (European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods)
EFAT (European Federation of Animal Technologists)
ESF (European Science Foundation)
ESLAV (European Society of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians)
FELASA (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations)
FinLAS (Finnish Laboratory Animal Scientists)
FBR (Foundation for Biomedical Research)
GV-SOLAS (Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde, German Society for Laboratory Animal Science)
ICLAS (International Council for Laboratory Animal Science)
ILAR (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research)
IAT (Institute of Animal Technology)
IOB (Institute of Biology)
LASA (Laboratory Animal Science Association)
LAVA (Laboratory Animal Veterinary Association, previously known as BLAVA)
NDF (Norsk Dyretekniker Forening)
RDS (Research Defence Society)
Scand-LAS (Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science)
SGV (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde, Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association)

Organizations Providing Information on the Use of Animals in Science and the Pursuit of Alternatives, from OSERA (Ohio Scientific Education & Research Association).

Forsøksdyravdelinger / Laboratory Animal Units

Akvaforsk (Institute of aquaculture research)
Brattøra Research Centre
Department of Comparative Medicine, National Hospital of Norway (Rikshospitalet)
Norsk forsøksdyrsentral (National Lab Animal Center)
Norwegian Transgenic Center
National Veterinary Institute (Veterinærinstituttet)
Aquaculture Research Station, administered by the Norwegian College of Fishery Science (Norges fiskerihøgskole) and the Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Fiskeriforskning)
NINA-NIKU (The Norwegian Foundation for Nature and Cultural Heritage Research)
NIVA (Norwegian Institute for Water Research), Marine Research Station, Solbergstrand, Drøbak
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Department of Sheep and Goat Research
Planteforsk (The Norwegian Crop Research Institute)
Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Bergen High Technology Centre
SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture
Statens Arbeidsmiljøinstitutt (STAMI, National Institute of Occupational Health)
Svanøy Foundation and Norwegian Red Deer Centre
University of Oslo, Medical Faculty, Institute of Experimental Medical Research, Ullevål Hospital
University of Tromsø, Medical Faculty
VESO Vikan Akvavet, Namsos
Vivarium, Haukeland Hospital, Bergen

Norwegian Aquamedicine: website for the research groups within aquaculture at Adamstua, Oslo.
Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience, one of Norway's 13 Centres of Excellence for research.
Norwegian Centre for Stem Cell Research

National Laboratory Animal Center, University of Kuopio, Finland
Department of Comparative Medicine, Uppsala University, Sweden
Laboratory Animal Unit, Department of Pharmacology and Pathobiology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Laboratory Animal Science, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Laboratory Animal Medicine International Contact List
COMPMED - Comparative Medicine Discussion List

Names and addresses of pharmaceutical companies with offices in Norway
Statens legemiddelverk (Norwegian Medicines Agency)
International research facilities and institutions
Overview of Veterinary Schools worldwide

Dyrevernorganisasjoner / Animal Welfare Organizations

Advocates for Animals
AltWeb, Alternatives to Animal Testing at the Center for Alternatives to Animal testing (CAAT), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Animal Ethics Infolink, New South Wales, Australia
Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC)
ANZCCART (Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching)
The Boyd Group, England
British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV)
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) Animal Welfare Foundation
Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC)
Center for Alternatives to Animal testing (CAAT), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation
The Dr. Hadwen Trust, Hitchin, England
Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge
Dyrebeskyttelsen Tromsø
Dyrevernalliansen (Norwegian Alliance for Animal Welfare)
Eurogroup for animal welfare
European Coalition to End Animal Experiments
European Resource Centre for Alternatives to animals in higher education (EURCA)
Forsøgsdyrenes Værn
Förbundet Djurens Rätt
Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME)
Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
InterNICHE - the International Network for Humane Education
Kjemp for dyrene, basert i Trondheim.
National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS), USA
New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS), USA
NOAH - for dyrs rettigheter, hovedkontor i Oslo. NOAHs omfattende websider inkluderer bl.a. bokmerker til en lang rekke andre organisasjoner og tidsskrifter som omhandler dyrevern og en elektronisk utgave av NOAHs publikasjon NOAHs Ark.
NOAH Tromsø
The Netherlands Centre Alternatives to Animal Use (NCA)
Nordiska Samfundet Mot Plågsomme Djurförsök (NSMPD)
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Pisces (fish welfare organisation) Scientists Center for Animal Welfare (SCAW)
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)
The Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments (Stiftelsen Forskning utan Djurförsök)
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW)
World Animal Net Directory
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
World Week for Animals in Laboratories (WWAIL)

Fond for Alternativ Forskning

Suppliers of laboratory animals and/or equipment

Sources for Research Animals and Genetic Materials, a guide produced by ILAR
Lab Animal Buyer's Guide
Lab Animal Buyer's Guide
Agntho's AB, Lidingo, Sweden
Braintree Scientific Inc.
Charles River Laboratories, Inc.
Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs, Denmark
Harlan, Inc.
Jackson Laboratory, USA
Møllegaard & Bomholtgård (M & B), Denmark
Scanbur-BK, Denmark, Norway & Sweden
Tecniplast, Italy

Bibliographic information on inbred strains of rats and mice from Jackson Laboratories.

Laboratory Animal Journals

ALTEX (Alternativen zu Tierexperimenten)
ILAR Journal
Lab Animal
Laboratory Animals
Comparative Medicine (previously Laboratory Animal Science), Contemporary Topics, TechTalk and Hotsheet from AALAS

Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science

More journals covering alternatives to animal experiments
Links to laboratory animal journals and other scientific publications
Ethical Issues in the Use of Animals in Research

Other Resources

British Medical Journals
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)
A comprehensive set of resources, including a veterinary formulary, from Research Animal Resources (RAR) at the University of Minnesota.
CARE - Caring for Animals in Research and Education.
LearningWithoutKilling, a website with information on resources for humane education.
The Whole Mouse Catalogue.
The "Virtual" Veterinary Center - Martindale's Health Science Guide.
The Merck Veterinary Manual available online.
Online database system for FDA approved animal drugs presented by the Drug Information Laboratory at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
The Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA)
The American Veterinary Medical Association: AVMA Online, the home of NetVet and the Electronic Zoo.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), London.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
BIOME, a collection of gateways to quality resources on the Internet within the health and life sciences, including OMNI, VETGATE, BioResearch, Natural Selection and AgriFor.
Mosby's Veterinary Guide to the Internet, by Ken Boschert and Henry James.
Consultant, a diagnostic support system for veterinary medicine.
Physiology Online.
Veterinary Journals: Tables of Contents, a database for over 100 veterinary journals.
Veterinary Sciences Tomorrow (an online veterinary journal).
Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: writing and editing for biomedical publication.
Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine
Veterinary Sciences Tomorrow (VetScite)
Sense about Science, en nettavis om norsk og internasjonal forskning
Apollon forskningsmagasin fra Universitetet i Oslo

Browsing the Web - an introduction
Internet Vet: a tutorial on critical use of Internet resources
Internet Detective: an interactive tutorial on evaluating the quality of Internet resources
Survival as a Young Scientist: A guide to planning your career and writing scientific papers by the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO).
Health Information Databases including MEDLINE/PubMed and TOXNET, from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, at the National Institutes of Health, Bethseda, Maryland.

Databases produced by the Nordic countries, administered in Norway by Riksbibliotektjenesten

The following literature reference is also recommended:
Alternatives to animal testing: information resources via the internet and world wide web, by P.J. Hakkinen and D.K. Green, published in Toxicology, Vol. 173(1-2), 3-11, April 2002.
Dascanio J.J. et al. (1997): Veterinary medical resources on the Internet. Compend. Contin. Educ. Pract. Vet. 19:205-212.
Available from the Library at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (tel. 22 96 45 55).

Guidelines for the Use of Animals

Many of these documents are pdf files that an be read using the program Acrobat Reader which may be downloaded free of charge here.

Forsøk med dyr - er det etisk forsvarlig? Aktivitet av Svein Aage Christoffersen.

Peter Sandøe, Professor in Bioethics at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College, Copenhagen, Denmark, has written several articles on animal ethics, available from his home page.

European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE)


The establishment of this site has been possible thanks to the generous support of

Laboratory Animals

the International Journal of Laboratory Science and Welfare.

The work of updating the NORINA database is financed in its entirety by external sponsorship. Those currently supporting NORINA are listed on NORINA's home page.

These pages and all other pages at this domain have been compiled by Adrian Smith of the Laboratory Animal Unit at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science.

Views expressed on these pages are not necessarily those of the School. Neither Adrian Smith nor the School can accept responsibility for any errors in these pages, which are made available on the Internet for your interest.

Last updated:

Laboratory Animal Unit
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
P.O. Box 8146 Dep.,
N-0033 Oslo, Norway

Telephone: +47 22 96 45 74 or +47 22 96 45 75
Telefax: +47 22 96 45 35


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